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Based on the comic book series of the same name. The Walking Dead tells the story of a small group of survivors living in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. Most of the story takes place in the Atlanta metropolitan area and then the surrounding countryside of northern Georgia, as the survivors search for a safe haven away from the shuffling hordes of predatory "walkers" who eat all living things they can get and once they bite into the living thing, the living thing gets infected it turns into one of them. The plot is focused mostly on the dilemmas the group face as they struggle to balance their humanity with their survival against the zombie horde, and later how they cope with members being killed and deal with other human survivors they encounter, which many of whom are dangerous and predatory themselves.
PLOT: Rick Grimes, who was a sheriff's deputy before the zombie outbreak. is the leader of the group. At first he was in hospital when the apocalypses started but when he got up he noticed that his family had left. Then he met a guy Morgan who told him what happened. After Rick left he met another guy Glenn who bought Rick into the group which is when Rick found his wife and son. After that they moved to a farm which eventually got full of walkers so they moved out to a prison they found. They cleared it out and started living in it. They found out there is another group of survivors around but they started having a war with Ricks group and then ended with the other group getting killed by their own leader "The Governor"...
The Prison Group gets infected with a virus, taking down some of the group, with some turning and taking down others in the Prison. Walkers breaking down the fence and others looking for supplies. The Governor comes back, finds Martinez who had ditched him and joins the group, kills a couple of the leaders, and goes and gets revenge at the Prison once again, with a new group, and a tank. The prison group and the Governor have a big war, the prison is left in a mess and the Governor died. The Prison Group are seperated in 5 goups, then 2 joined, then another 2 joined each other, then they all meet at Terminus in a Train Carraige. Terminus threatens the group but Rick cuts his hand ties and the others and gets their weapons and goes and kills everyone who crosses his path as he gets their group, Carol blows up the gas tank out front and they then leave to a church, they meet Gabriel, Daryl sees th car that took beth ad takes Carol with him, they meet Noah and Carol gets captured, Eugene takes a group of people to find a cure which was all a lie. They make it back and head to the "hospital" to see Beth and Carol, Carol gets saved, Dawn shoots Beth, Daryl shoots Dawn. The group continue on the move and Aaron finds them and takes them to the Alexandria Safe Zone where shits going down! Morgan turns up. Rick takes over and makes a plan to clear the horde of walkers nearby but the plan backfires when a horn is sounded back at ASZ by The Wolves. Glenn and Nicholas get surrounded by walkers on a bin which leads Nicholas to shotting himself in the head, pulling Glenn off the rubbish bin with him into the horde... Once the Wolves had been taken down (some let free) Rick turns up with the massive horde of walkers not far behind. The Safe Zone is then surrounded by walkers and walls come down meaning ASZ has to evacuate by covering themselves in walker blood and guts to get through all the walkers... While Sam yells "Mom" to Jesse... In a special after credits scene Daryl, Abraham and Sasha are confronted by an armed group known as The Saviors.. "Your possessions now belong to Negan..." Over the next 8 episodes we meet Jesus and the Hilltop then Shit Happens and we meet Negan, now it's time for Negan to pick Lucille's victim...