The Walking Dead Season 6 is on the way, Premieres
October 11. Fans have been speculating deaths and what
they think will happen, and by a recent commet by
Michael Cudlitz.
It has been speculated that a tweet posted by Josh
McDermitt (Eugene) caused what could be the spoiler slip
from Michael Cudlitz. After Josh McDermitt tweeted that
he hasn’t been around "The Walking Dead" set lately
because he’s working on a film pal Michael Cudlitz
“Had a blast working with you.”
Had, as in the past tense. Does this mean Cudlitz slipped
up? You decide because he quickly deleted the first
response and changed it to simply
This could simply be a play on words that were could be taken out of context. But when you think about it Eugene would be the perfect group member to be killed off. He has pretty much run his course on "The Walking Dead," and has a really tough time pulling his weight with the group.
So was that a slip up, does this mean anything about Eugene?
JUNE 03, 2015